Silkscreen Print by Graham Black
Touchstones #3
Graham Black
After a long career as an art director in London, Graham relocated to Cornwall to rekindle his love for printmaking. Based near Land’s End, his work is deeply rooted in West Penwith’s rugged coastal environment. His affinity with this landscape underpins his work – primarily silkscreen printing, which he embraces for its potential for unpredictable outcomes.
He also draws inspiration from the pioneers of British abstraction who were similarly motivated by Cornish topography: Nicholson, Hepworth, Frost, Barns-Graham, Pasmore. Where his work differs, perhaps, is in representing the myriad textural complexities of the rock formations that dominate the area – he’s as fascinated by surface pattern and texture as by form and shape.Silkscreen Print
Framed under glass
Edition of 10