Stained Glass by Gudrun Taresch
There is Light in the Darkest Tunnel
Gudrun Taresch
Gudrun is originally from Bavaria in Germany, previously living in Northern Norway, she has now lived in Cornwall for the last seven years. She is a self taught artist and has been lucky to work with several glass artists who have helped her to improved her practice. Gudrun has also worked in collaboration with a jeweller and a wood worker which has widened her portfolio of work.
In addition to her career as a Patent Attorney, Gudrun has followed her arts passion throughout her life. She has been inspired by artists in Italy and Japan, by the people and the nature of the many countries she has travelled to. The beauty of the harsh natural environment of Norway and the more gentle landscape in the Southwest creating an ever lasting dialoge with her soul, has influenced her work.
Gudrun works in many mediums including, oil, silk painting, watercolours, pastels, mixed media, wood and textiles. She has a love for bright colours and continues to experiment with materials which has lead to her working with glass, which over the years has become her favourite medium.
When she moved to Norway, Gudrun finally decided to dedicate herself entirely to art and communication therapy and now she runs art (mainly glass art and silk painting) and communication workshops. Gudrun has participated in several Open Studios in Cornwall and Exhibitions in Germany and across the Southwest.
Stained Art Glass on LED Panel
Framed in an Open Frame