Watercolour by Rita Smith
Red River
Rita Smith
I graduated from Camberwell School of Art with a 1st class degree in 1978, continued post graduate studies at the Slade School of Fine Art from1978-80, and from there I won a Boise Scholarship to travel to the USA. Between 1982-92 I returned to Camberwell as a visiting lecturer, and from 1991-99 I was a part time lecturer with Falmouth School of Art. I moved from London to the South West 30 years ago, and have lived and worked in Plymouth since 2006.
I have exhibited many times at the Royal Academy and the Mall Galleries in London, and have widely exhibited in Plymouth, the South West and London. I’m an elected member of the Bath Society of Artists, and the awards I’ve won include the Guinness Award at the Royal Academy of Arts and the St Cuthburt Mill prize at the Bath Society of Artists. My work is in private collections in Great Britain, Germany & America.
I have long been involved with the themes of thresholds and journeys in my paintings, both representational and abstract, and my recent work has evolved into an exploration of liminal space, which is defined as the space at or on both sides of a boundary or threshold. It can be interpreted in many ways, as a transitional or transformative space, or can refer to spaces of liminality in our emotional states. My paintings refer to experiences of liminality, sometimes making reference to journeys through an abstract landscape space, but essentially they are journeys of the imagination and the spirit.
Framed under Glass