Mixed Media by Clark Nicol
No Other World
Clark Nicol
After a fairly long series of cerebral, constructed paintings working on the theme of environmental concerns, in particular the oceans, I felt the need to return to my love of paint.
In the following, mainly figurative, work the driving force was the energy and presence of the land or sea and through a much looser approach I was able to celebrate the beauty of this experience.
Using marks which were evocative rather than descriptive I began to develop a language which expressed my responses, and realised that my intuitive voice was calling the shots about what went on the canvas and working quickly I allowed it full expression.
This has been a liberating experience and the lockdown gave me a long period in which to explore this dialogue between figurative space and paint on canvas.
I hope that viewers of my work enjoy the excitement of the colours and energy of the marks. Studio work has been mostly from sketches and photographs, but recently I found a much deeper connection while painting a scene which I saw while driving and had to commit to memory. The result was a eureka moment and has provided the direction for my most recent pieces.
Mixed Media on Canvas