Sculpture by Nicola Noble
Geological Trees - Bleached
Nicola Noble
As a Contemporary Crafts BA (Hons) mature graduate from Plymouth College of Art where I specialised in ceramics, I am continuing to explore and expand the knowledge and skills I acquired during and
prior to those three years of study.
At this stage in my life I do not feel pressured to forge a lifelong career as a ceramicist; I am just really enjoying the time I am able to devote to playing with clay and finding out what makes me tick creatively. I work from my spare room 'studio' in Teignmouth as well as meeting, mixing and working with other creative souls whenever I have the opportunity. I am a member of the Westcountry Potters' Association and Teignmouth Art Society which enables me to feel connected with other makers.
So far, all my work is inspired by the natural world, especially discoveries made during walks on Haldon Moor above Teignmouth and along the local lanes, seashore and cliffs. I transpose these ideas into various forms, mainly using porcelain paper clay and oxides or slips, which are then usually once fired.An installation of textured white porcelain paperclay cylinders inspired by the bleached trunks of teetering conifers atop eroded cliffs.
Set of 3
Porcelain and Papeclay