Oil by Helen Campbell
Helen Campbell
Bringing the body back in harmony with Nature has long held sway with me. It came naturally as a child - I played outside for all hours in Summer, hunkered down inside in Winter. But modern life doesn't sit easily with Nature's rhythm. Instinctive behaviours fell aside in favour of corporate life and paying the bills. Illness, stress, and a previously unrecognised hip defect eventually pushed me off balance and led me to somatic movement where I started to understand the value of turning off the gadgetry and tuning in to the world around me. I got into the habit of getting outside in daylight, walking barefoot on the grass and using my senses to appreciate cold air against my skin, the sound of rain drumming on my umbrella, the heat of the sun on the back of my neck. I practice spiralling and yoga, noting and appreciating how tiny muscle movements have a mighty effect on balance and mood. Such simple changes make me feel happier and better able to withstand whatever else the day might throw at me.
Oil on Canvas