Linoprint by Ian Cox
Cornish Choughs
Ian Cox
I spend most of my creative time producing limited edition linocut prints which often reflect the relationship between my photography and my printmaking, although I also produce work that is wholly based on freehand drawing - and, occasionally, I even manage to combine the two!
Printmaking with lino appeals to me because it allows me to produce detailed, sometimes almost photo-realistic, images that are formed out of the thousands of hand-made marks produced with the gouges I use to cut into the print surface.
My work explores the secret and magical energies contained within the landscapes that surround me (the high moorlands of Dartmoor, and the dramatic coastlines of Devon and Cornwall). I am also inspired by the marks left on these landscapes by people over millennia - marks that often suggest a relationship with the land and sea that has, to such a large extent, been forgotten or lost.
While on this journey to discover and connect with the power of wild places, I am also exploring the internal human landscape, so that my art is often about the coincidence of these two often complimentary, sometimes opposing, but always complex and revealing, forms of landscape - the one natural, the other, psychological.