Mixed Media by Sarah Easter Collins
Sarah Easter Collins
My work is based on remembered and meaningful places. Painting is for me a reflective process, a return to those times and places that have burnt themselves into my memory; whether that of standing quietly in the empty space where the sea meets the sky, a moment of stillness watching storm-soaked light or looking towards low, white, light flooding through acacia trees in the very early morning in Africa.
The landscape is for me an emotional place, full of dreams and memories, thoughts and desires. Although my work is firmly rooted in the tradition of landscape painting, I sometimes feel as if elements of my work are teetering on the edge of abstraction.
I’m fascinated by what different media and materials can do. In my work I enjoy exploring the amazing variety of effects that are possible by building up layers of opaque paint and crayon with loose drizzles of fluid, transparent ink.
Some parts of my paintings are careful and precise, and other free and loose, where paint has been drizzled, dripped and poured on, sometimes with great speed and at other times with quiet and careful deliberation. The many layers might then be sandpapered down or partially hosed off before being built back up again to reveal the history and process of the painting.
Mixed Media