Inktense on Canvas by Becky Nuttall
Becky Nuttall
Becky’s works are figurative, narrative subjects. Researching family photos, traditional religious iconography, the representation of women in popular culture and the creativity of feminist women
artists, her works flip the male gaze and the submissive roles of her generation of women. She invents narratives with characters from her imagination. Paintings may start with a portrait but end as
a stranger. These strangers gaze at you or past you but occupy the same space.The art work is inspired by Welsh folklore and Alan Garner's book The Owl Service. Made from the flowers of oak, broom and meadowsweet by the wizards Math and Gwydion, Blodeuwedd is known as the Goddess of flowers, emotions, the wisdom of innocence and initiation ceremonies.
Inktense on Canvas