Acrylic by Mat Rochford
Mat Rochford
After completing an M.A. in Painting at U.A.L. Mat has worked and exhibited in London for the last 20 years.
With fond memories of childhood holidays on the Devon coast it was always part of the plan to move here permanently, a move that was finally realised last year.
As a visual artist Mat’s work explores notions of painting and its mechanisms.
Within his paintings he uses a range of traditional and contemporary process such as drawing, printing and collage. These, juxtaposed with materials and forms are used to explore line, colour, light and space within the work.
He likes to work in series, sometimes giving the work titles but mostly they are numbered. The ideas for the work are normally concerned with the every day, experiences and events.
He often plays with materiality to stimulate a sensory experience in the viewer; lately, fluorescent colours and especially their vibrancy under Ultraviolet light have intrigued him. Initially he painted these on glass but recently has also started using plexiglass as he finds it offers up more possibilities in the use of forms.
Often the paintings start with a broad gesture this then is put to one side to dry. At some point later it gets taken up and through a process of disruption and erasure of these gestural marks, the painting begins to evolve. Through the emerging internal dialogues within this journey, there is always the knowledge that by the erasing or covering of one reality new ones are revealed.
Mat has work in National and International collections.
Acrylic on Plexiglass