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What are you doing in January?

We're writing our January Culture Update and we need your help!

This year, we've been writing a monthly culture update for Beach Hut Magazine, a local publication distributed in several editions across areas of Torbay. We're pleased to say these pocket sized updates have been well received and so we'll be continuing with them in 2018 and we need your help with our January instalment! So, if you're hosting or know of any great events going on in January which we should definitely feature, get in touch. There are just two rules for events we feature. Firstly, this is strictly a Torbay Culture Update so all events must be happening in one of the three towns, Torquay, Paignton or Brixham. Secondly, the event must be taking place in January (obviously)! And that's the lot. We'd love to hear from you if you've got an event, gig, exhibition, workshop, play, open studio, dance class, lecture, course or whatever else it might be that you think deserves some promotion. We've got to get our article written pretty soon, so any events need to be with us by December 10th for inclusion. Make sure to include all the relevant details including contact information and preferably a website link that we can let people have to find the event!



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