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The Echo of Sea Shore Tides

Updated: Jul 20, 2020

The echo of sea shore tides

Lick the memories with welcoming times.

Retreating and returning

Lapping and yearning to get nearer to where the slick rocks glisten

With the honesty of passing time.

Pools spread, between rock formations, for only a short time.

But the sea life is invigorated enough, to spawn their truths of existence.

Hermit crabs emerge

Shrimps are still submerged

The subtle changes are filled with an aquatic order.

Yet, when I look at you, all I see are deep pools, with fathomless depths.

The honesty is deep



What can be seen.

Revelations juxtaposed with the Crustaceans that make up your time. Who knew?

That as tides turn, so those that seek refuge, can be enveloped in the pools that you make - not only those on the edges of reason, but also those that secure a faith in the truth.

Forget Captain Nemo

And, all those leagues under the scene.

Swim with me into the daylight and hear the echoes of the sea shore tides and bask in the honesty of the Riviera.

Where the sun shines and the gulls soar.

© Jason Disley 2019



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