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The Art of You - Artist Stories - Sarah Tansey

Updated: Jun 12, 2020

Artist Statement: Sarah Tansey lives by the sea and creates work from home in sunny Devon, UK. I am a mature lady and a single mum. I am a self-taught artist and writer. My art is very expressionist and a form of art therapy for myself.

Work Description: This little book has helped me enormously and has been a form of therapy for me. It explains a lot to those who know me. I want people to better understand the Schizophrenic. I also draw on my life experiences to inspire me with my art work. The blurb from the back of the book goes as follows:-

“An ordinary girl arrives in London in the 1990’s with unclear aspirations but with a determination to enjoy life. Following a turbulent relationship which includes the heavy use of recreational drugs the writer develops Paranoid Schizophrenia. This is her story, told with humour and insight, a story of coping with the disease and meeting the challenge of raising a son. Told with warmth and insight, ‘By The Light Of The Silvery Moon’ shows that there is hope and there is a future for those suffering with schizophrenia. The story is interspersed with photographs of the author’s paintings completed as a component of art therapy.”



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