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Terms and Conditions for External Exhibitions and Open Exhibitions with Artizan Collective CIC

Updated: Oct 21, 2024


The following terms and conditions will apply when we have received your booking form for the Open Exhibition.  Terms are subject to change.  All individuals who exhibit with Artizan Collective CIC in an open exhibition agree to the following terms.  Amendments to these terms must be agreed in writing in advance of submission.  Your submission confirms that you agree with and accept the terms and conditions set out here.

Submitted Work

Any work that has been submitted may not be withdrawn from the exhibition before the end date except in the case of a sale from the gallery or an external sale agreed upon by the gallery. Any sales of work for four weeks before and after the exhibition are subject to commission and should not be advertised at a lower price than the exhibition price. You may privately negotiate lower prices with buyers, but prices advertised on your website or elsewhere must not be lower and you must liase with Artizan Collective CIC to agree any reduction in commission.

​By submitting a fully completed booking form with required images and work details before the submission deadline provided with the call, you confirm that if accepted to the exhibition your work will be available to Artizan Collective CIC to display for the full length of the exhibition. Selected and reserved works cannot be withdrawn after the submission and will be subject to commission payments if not provided by the delivery deadline.


Submitted works will be judged by a panel made up of members of the Artizan Team and partners. All work will be judged anonymously based on the provided images of the work and the title of the piece only. All decisions made by the judging panel are final. All judging is based solely on the content of your submission form, Artizan Collective CIC will not reach out to you for additional information, images or clarification where there is ambiguity or insufficient information provided.

Where submissions are rejected due to incomplete information being provided, fee refunds will not be given.

Provided all the above conditions are met, your submission will be reviewed for exhibition. Failure to meet any of the above requirements may result in your submission not being considered.

Successful Entries

Successful artists will be notified by the date given in the call document. Unsuccessful applicants will be contacted where possible but given the volume of applications individual feedback is not guaranteed.

If your entry is successful, you will be required to meet all requests for additional information by Artizan Collective CIC in a timely manner and meet all deadlines provided in the call. You will receive an artist’s pack with all the information required for the exhibition.

Exhibited Work

Work Details

Individuals submitting work to an open exhibition at Artizan Collective CIC should send a short, up-to-date artist biography (around 250 words) before the commencement of the exhibition in an editable word document or as part of your submission form if requested.  High quality images of the work to be exhibited, suitable for promotional purposes, must also be sent to Artizan Collective CIC via email or online file share within this time frame.  Images must be provided with a minimum resolution of 300dpi and should be photographed with good lighting against a plain background. The file name for the images should allow the piece to be identified by the information on your form. 

Artizan Collective CIC can arrange photography of work if required for an additional fee. 

You are responsible for providing accurate information on your work including title, medium, any framing, price and dimensions for use in labels, marketing materials and online promotion.


All work should be provided “exhibition ready” and clearly labelled for identification purposes. Where this involves framing work should be provided in high quality, clean and unmarked frames. Frames should be the correct size for the work, with no visible gaps around the edges or mounting area and the work should be securely fastened within. Works not in an open frame should be behind glass not Perspex.

Frames should have sufficient hanging provision as outlined below.

Artizan Collective CIC uses the STAS cliprail hanging system for wall displays.  All work for exhibition should be delivered ready for display on our hanging system.  The best form of attachment to the STAS cliprail hanging system is D-rings on the back of the work positioned within the top quarter of the piece and level on either side.  These should be tightly secured so they do not spin when force is applied.  If your work cannot have D-rings attached, you must inform Artizan Collective CIC of this and make suitable arrangements for an alternative method of display.  Any work delivered without D-rings in the absence of separate arrangements will have D-rings attached at a charge of £5 per work. Where this is not possible, the work may not be hung.

Any canvas or other work under 3cm in depth should be presented framed. Where you believe this does not apply you should contact the gallery prior to making a submission.

All browser work must be wrapped and mounted.


All work for exhibition at Artizan Collective CIC must be safely packaged to avoid damage and if you would like your work returned in its original packaging after the exhibition you should label the exterior of the packaging with your name and the title of the work and use non-damaging tape.  If the original packaging cannot be used, artists should bring sufficient packaging to safely package their work at the end of the exhibition otherwise Artizan Collective CIC will charge for any packaging that we are obliged to provide.  Artizan Collective CIC does not accept any liability for damage to work that has not been delivered safely packaged.


Artizan Collective CIC will take the indicated commission on the call from all works sold through our open exhibitions with a portion of this sometimes being donated to a chosen exhibition charity.  Prices provided in your submission form should be the on the wall price of the work, from which commission will be deducted by Artizan Collective CIC.  If you are unsure how to price your work or how to calculate the commission, please contact Artizan Collective CIC.

Postcard Work Donation

The submission of a “Postcard Work”, if outlined in the call, is a compulsory part of the application process. By submitting your “Postcard Work” as part of your application, you confirm that Artizan Collective CIC will take ownership of this work if accepted to exhibition. “Postcard Works” will be used by Artizan Collective CIC as part of fundraising efforts for community arts interventions.

If the exhibition is postponed or cancelled, successful applicants may be required to provide their postcard submissions in advance of revised exhibition dates, irrespective of the exhibition’s continuation, so that Artizan Collective CIC can continue to undertake this work.


Sold works may be replaced with pieces of similar style and dimensions at the discretion of Artizan Collective CIC.

Delivery and Collection of Work

Work must be delivered and collected in a timely fashion as per the dates expressed in the details of the exhibition which you have received. Please ensure you are aware of these dates before agreeing to these terms. Any variation from these dates must be agreed with the gallery in advance. Failure to meet these arrangements may result in your work not being exhibited.

Any items not collected by the deadline – and where no arrangement for delay has been agreed beforehand – may incur a storage charge of £5 per day. If Artizan Collective CIC has to transfer your work from the exhibition venue to another location – where no arrangement has been agreed beforehand – you will incur a further fee of £5 per work.

Delivery and Collection by Courier

If your work will be delivered or collected by courier, please contact Artizan Collective CIC to arrange delivery of your work.

Your work should be delivered in reusable packaging for ease of return at the end of the exhibition otherwise packaging charges will be passed on to the artist. Collections by courier are arranged within a set date window, normally issued during the last week of the exhibition, with Artizan providing quotes for return shipping with their preferred courier, and new packaging where this is required. All returns charges are the responsibility of the artist.

Any items not collected by courier within this deadline – and where no arrangement for delay has been agreed beforehand – will incur a storage charge of £5 per day.


Artizan Collective CIC produces promotional materials for use online, on social media, in email newsletters, and in print publications.  Exhibiting artists are expected to participate in actively promoting the exhibition alongside these promotional activities. 

Artizan Collective CIC retains the rights to any and all promotional materials produced for the exhibition, and will retain creative control of the layout, content, and design of all promotional materials.  Draft copies of promotional materials may be sent to you (with the publishing deadline clearly visible) for proofreading and fact-checking purposes only, and any inaccuracies must be reported to Artizan Collective CIC before the publishing deadline.  Artizan Collective CIC does not accept responsibility for any inaccuracies that are not reported before the publishing deadline.

Online Shop

Artizan Collective CIC maintains contact with long-distance clients via email newsletters and other online platforms.  Works exhibited will be marketed to interested collectors via email and also put up for sale in the online shop at the same price as in the exhibition on a dedicated exhibition page. This dedicated exhibition page will remain as an archive of the exhibition for the lifetime of the site.

Artizan Social Media Accounts

Artizan Collective CIC expects artists exhibiting at the gallery to tag our social media accounts in any promotional posts for the exhibition, and to share any promotional posts produced by the gallery for the exhibition.  Please make sure you have liked or followed any of the appropriate accounts prior to the start of your exhibition.  Social media account details are:

Facebook: /artizangallery

Twitter: @ArtizanGallery

Instagram: @ArtizanGallery

Youtube: /c/ArtizangalleryUk 


Artizan Collective CIC has the use of two websites, Artizan Gallery ( and a sister site Arthub (  All exhibition content will be hosted on a dedicated page on the Arthub site for the lifetime of the site and this will be the main point of contact for information. Artizan Collective CIC carries out extensive written, photographic and film documentation of all exhibitions which will be found here.


Exhibition partners and sponsors often support the work of Artizan Collective CIC, and their details will be promoted throughout the exhibition. Artizan Collective CIC is grateful to the businesses who recognise the value of local arts and culture through this support and encourages all participating artists to help demonstrate this gratitude in any of their associated social media and promotional efforts. 


Where possible Artizan Collective CIC aims to take high quality photographs of all pieces displayed for promotion purposes and may use these images to promote your work or the work of the gallery after the exhibition you are participating in has finished. If you do not wish for your work to be photographed, you should notify the gallery at the same time as confirming your agreement to the rest of these terms. Due to the nature of open exhibitions, you can only opt out of having your work photographed as an individual piece; it may appear in general shots of the space or during photography of events and functions.

All images taken of your work by the gallery are the property of the gallery. If you wish to use them for promotion of your work outside of this exhibition high resolution copies suitable for print and web promotion can be made available. Contact Artizan Collective CIC for full details of their photographic services.

Film and Video

Artizan Collective CIC produces film and video content in relation to their work and exhibitions. As part of this you may be invited to interview in relation to your involvement in the exhibition or your work may appear in footage captured at the exhibition. Provided image material may also be used as part of this video content where it its relevant to the promotion of your work or the exhibition your work is a part of. There is no obligation to directly appear in video content if you do not wish to, but your work may still be shown.

360 Scan

Artizan Collective CIC regularly has their exhibitions professionally scanned for online virtual reality tours. Where this is done artists will be offered the chance to purchase the licence to use this scan on their own website for a small fee.


Artizan Collective CIC will hang and curate open exhibitions.  Work may be labelled individually or included in a printed list of works at their discretion.

Private Views

Private views, previews and launch nights are important parts of our exhibitions. Attendance is not compulsory but is encouraged and there is an expectation that all participating artists promote and circulate any invitations to launch events to their mailing lists and networks.

Payment and Insurance

Details of fees can be found in the exhibition call.

Our preferred payment method is by BACS but we will also accept cheques or cash.

Cheques payable to Artizan Collective CIC, by cash, or by BACS:

Bank: NatWest | Account: Artizan Collective CIC | Account Number: 74950010 | Sort Code: 557001

Payment for Work Sold

Artizan Collective CIC will notify you of any sale of your work as and when sales occur; all payment for works sold are settled after the end of the exhibition.  Payment will be made by direct bank transfer (BACS) and will be made a maximum of 30 days after the end of the exhibition (to allow Artizan to receive payment from buyers).

Artizan Collective CIC may also allow buyers to pay by instalments. Where this is the case, Artizan will hold the work until full payment is made but will pay the artist as soon as payments cover the artist price of the work.


All artists must have their own insurance when exhibiting. We recommend 

Contact Details

Please ensure you provide up to date contact details when submitting your application including at least one phone number, email address and postal address.

Artizan Collective CIC

Julie Brandon

Phone: 01803 428626

Mobile: 07522 509642

Jacob Brandon

Mobile 2: 07762 9211571

C/O Artizan Gallery

7 Lucius Street





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