The Little Theatre’s April 2023 production is a dark drama by Robert Scott, an award winning British playwright, whose scripts range from dark tragedies to light comedies. During his extensive career, Robert has received countless positive reviews from audiences and critics, and his plays are performed all over the world.
Director, Anna Reynolds says, “This play will keep you on the edge of your seats! It’s superbly written. We’re lucky to welcome three new members to our cast, husband and wife Ben and Rachel Field and Alison Lee.
A play like this with so much drama needs a tight knit cast that can ease the tension and laugh together. This cast has gelled so well together, and the three newbies have slotted in beautifully for which I’m thankful.
The play is set in 7 different locations so the set builder, Paul Lewis, and I have had an interesting journey meeting those demands on stage. I think you’ll like the imaginative way we’ve done this.”
The play runs from Tuesday 11th to Saturday 15th April at The Little Theatre at 7:30pm each night with a matinee on the Saturday at 2:30pm.
TOADS Box Office 01803 299330 (Open Tues-Fri/10am-12noon).
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TOADS Theatre Company @The Little Theatre Co
St Mark’s Road Meadfoot Torquay TQ1 2EL
DEATH’S DESIRE by Robert Scott
Directed by Anna Reynolds
Free parking. Disabled Access. Bar and Coffee Shop open from 6.30 pm.
Daniela Hopkins and Stewart Molyneux
Ben Field and Jon Manley