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Audience Favourite Vote - Announcement - Artizan Summer Open 2018

Another day, another update! Are we excited? Good, because that's the sort of positive thinking we need to take this exhibition to the very top!

As far as we're concerned, there's two really important groups of people when it comes to The Artizan Summer Open; the artists and the audience. So, today, we've handed more control over to you guys to help shape this exhibition into your exhibition!

How are we doing this? By launching the "Audience Favourite Vote"!

But what does that mean? Well, it means we're inviting you, the people who are going to support our show, the chance to shape what you see at the exhibition by guaranteeing entry to the 5 artworks with the highest audience vote!

With loads of fantastic submissions, it would be great to show them all but unfortunately that's just not possible, so if there's a piece you're dying to see on the exhibition wall, make sure to show it some support by giving it a quick vote on our online form. The process couldn't be simpler; find your favourite piece in the online gallery, tell us the title, and that's it, you did your bit for your favourite art!

Everything you need to vote can be found here so, what are you waiting for? Go vote now!

Some important bits to bear in mind:

- You can only vote once (so make it count!)

- Votes will close at the same time as our submission deadline, that's Midnight June 15th! Don't be late!

Remember to check out all of the information about the exhibition here.



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