[Archive: Another early blog post from our original site.]
It has been a couple of very busy weeks at Artizan with one exhibition closing and another starting. Last Monday the gallery was a hive of activity with the new artist here putting up their work and meeting each other. Lots of great networking with the more experienced artist sharing and helping the newer ones.
I have been contacted by many artists either via email or by calling in to see me, and spaces for future events are filling up fast which makes me realise just how much a space like Artizan is needed in the Bay.
The customers that have come through the gallery for a coffee, browse and to buy have also given me some great feedback and tips for moving the space forward. Thanks especially to Alison Hernandez who took some pictures and popped them on ‘FourSquare’ on Facebook.
There is lots happening here today (Saturday), we have Michael McCloud who is sketching portraits and a language workshop in the room below the gallery, plus this evening we have a Private View for this new exhibition and will be having some live music to add to the atmosphere provided by local duo ‘Sulu’.
The website is really taking shape and we have added some new features and have some great offers to help promote local artists such as a £10 life membership of the gallery which gets your bio plus two images on the site. If you click on the ‘artist’ page you can get an idea of how this would look.
I have also decided to extend the hanging space into a part of the cafe so that we can offer some community space here.
The latest exhibition is very different to the last, more great local talent on display, full of colour and well worth a look. See our flyer for details of artists exhibiting.
