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2018 Exhibition Calendar Submissions


We're looking forward to another great year in 2018 and we want you to be a part of it! We've got two main opportunities at our home venue next year and there's promising to be loads more out an about at other venues! Keep reading to find out how you can be involved.


2017 has been a wonderful year at the gallery. By the time we hit December we'll have had 10 lovely solo shows from some immensely talented artists alongside two of our biggest ever open shows. We've topped all this off with two shows at Torre Abbey and showcases in several restaurants and cafes, with many more exciting collaborations with local partners. We've had a lot of fun, but we're undoubtedly looking forward to a little Christmas break to recharge our batteries!

Looking forward to 2018, we're showing no signs of slowing down, and we want to take this opportunity to give you a quick overview of two of the big ones to look out for next year.

2018 Main Space

For the main space next year there's one big change. We won't be restricting this space to solo shows anymore but instead will welcome proposals from any artists for solo, group or open shows. We hope this will offer a greater degree of flexibility to our exhibitors, encourage collaboration and continue to foster an atmosphere of an accessible, community space at Artizan.

We're excited to have already confirmed a number of next years exhibitions but there are still several months available to book. February, and November are currently available and we are also accepting proposals for January and September. Additionally, whilst July and December are still preliminarily reserved for open shows, we are also happy to consider applications here.

All the details for this opportunity can be found in the application pack on our Calls Page and submissions can also be made on the CuratorSpace website. We hope to confirm a complete 2018 calendar by the middle of December so please get in touch soon!

2018 Garden Salon Show

This is an exciting new show for the Gallery, a year long rolling open show which will run on a subscription basis. The exhibition model is incredibly simple. Pay £15 and bring in a piece of art to hang in the Garden Salon. Upon acceptance, your piece will then be on display for one month at which point you can guarantee it stays up the next month for just £10. And that’s all there is to it!

We hope this will be a great opportunity to welcome all of our local artists, as well as those from further afield, to show a sample of their work on our walls on a long-term basis. Once again, the full details can be found in the application pack on our Calls Page and submissions can also be made on the CuratorSpace website. There is obviously a rolling deadline for this opportunity but we welcome as many submissions as possible for the launch of the Garden Salon Show when we reopen our doors in January.

Other Opportunities

This isn't all we've got planned for next year, there's loads of other exciting projects to look out for. Whilst its still early days on many plans we can tell you that we will be looking to take on a number of artists on a permanent basis next year and have some great opportunities for these "Artizan Artists". We'll also be building our team and will be looking to collaborate with a wide range of volunteers, content creators and hopefully even some new directors of our fledgling Community Interest Company.

So watch this space, because next years going to be our best yet!



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