Torbay's Dedicated Exhibition Space
Celebrating Creativity
As we continue to build a strong future for our high street venue, the Artizan Collective Gallery, we’re excited to announce the expansion of our artist led studio spaces!
Work throughout the end of 2023 from our team has meant we are now able to offer 6 affordable studio spaces from the venue which includes continuing to host our longstanding resident artists, Ian Cox, William Mills and Claire Harmer. These three artists are joined by our newest arrival, Watercolourist Olya Baklan, who we hosted last year for Devon Open Studios from our Lucius Street Gallery.
All four of them will be showing work in the main gallery from now until mid-March and will also be opening additional studio hours, producing work and delivering workshops providing plenty of opportunities to come and meet and talk to them about their practice or to have a go yourself (details of live workshops at the links below).
Alongside work of our studio artists, we’re fortunate to be hosting works from two of Devon's best-known artists, Richard Slater RI and Arthur Homeshaw RWA, both of whom are sadly no longer with us.
The exhibition is now open and will run until 17th March with an evening event planned for the 2nd March 6 – 8 PM when we hope you will join us, share a glass of wine, view the exhibition and explore the studios.
Intuitive Workshops 28th February and 27th March.
Abstract Weekend: 2nd and 3rd March
Exhibiting Artists