Personal Responses
Narrative, Nostalgia and Memory
Artizan Gallery welcomes Mhairi Treharne and Emma Roberts to exhibit with us for the first time. Gossamer Threads is the culmination of a year of reflective practice and mentoring at the Newlyn School of Art in Cornwall, attended by the two artists. During this time, they have recognised a strong resonance between their work; with each of their practices embedded in a sense of narrative, nostalgia and memory.
Previous experience of exhibiting together had demonstrated how relationships between unrelated artworks can amplify their meaning and a viewer’s response to it. However, they have come to realise that collectively, they have natural resonating themes, from wistful affections for a sense of place, and the universality of shared experiences, to the pursuit of capturing the intangible elements of preciousness.
In this exhibition, Gossamer Threads, the pair aim through their collection of paintings, both large and small, and three-dimensional pieces, to connect their common artistic themes and hopefully impart some of the emotion that is imbued in them.
Exhibiting Artists