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Allison McSparron-Edwards

Allison was born in Newcastle-upon-Tyne in 1955 and has always been fascinated by colour and design. She has travelled extensively and admired the classical art of Greece and Rome, the colour of paintings in Egypt, India and China and the technical accomplishments of great artists like Leonardo da Vinci, Rubens, Sargent and Bouguereau.

Having had a successful career as a management consultant and psychologist Allison decided, in 2018, to focus on her own creativity. To take her paintings to a higher level she has worked with artists such as David Grey, Danny Ferland, Louis Smith, Tina Garrett and Teresa Oaxaca and practices her art at every opportunity.

Allison prefers to paint in a contemporary representational style in oils catching the colour, beauty and symmetry of objects, landscapes and people. Her ambition is to try and capture emotions in her paintings with colour and bold designs. To Allison applying paint to a canvas feels very tactile and personal.

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Artizan Collective CIC

7 Lucius Street



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