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ARTIST SUPPORT PLEDGE is a culture and economy in support of artists and makers established in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The project uses Instagram and creatives can post their images using #artistsupportpledge giving details of their works and price (no more than £200 or equivalent). If people are interested in buying, they message the artist. Anyone can buy the work and artists don’t need permission to join. 

Every time an artist reaches £1,000 of sales, they pledge to buy £200 of work from other artist(s).

We're supporting our artists by working with #artistsupportpledge and promoting exhibited works under £200. Starting with our English Riviera Winter Open Exhibition 2020, we regularly share work from exhibitions with #artistsupportpledge and every time we reach £1000 worth of sales, we'll reinvest and purchase work from one of our artists. The piece will then immediately go back on display, but the artist will receive payment straight away and see the benefit of a sale.

You can view all of our #artistsupportpledge works at the links below, as well as finding out more about this wider network.

Click the video below to see our full explainer, back when we introduced the programme in 2020.

Artist Support Pledge


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